Friday, August 31, 2007
December 28th,
Birth Control
I lost all my handouts, so all the information I gather for this assignment is from Planned Parenthood, which is the best source for birth control information.
I will first describe non hormonal birth control:
The Condom (male)- The condom is a sheath of latex, lambskin or polyurethane that is fitted over the penis. It acts as a barrier and prevents the exchange of bodily fluids, such as semen, blood and vaginal discharge. Besides preventing Pregnancy, this method will prevent STIs. Out of every 100 couple who use this method, 15 will get pregnant. The condom will not work if you put it on improperly, remove it during sex, or if it breaks. It can break if it is too old or if sharp fingernails or jewelry damage it.
The Condom (female)- The Female Condom is also a sheath of latex that acts as a barrier during sexual intercourse. It is inserted into the vagina and also protects the vulva. It may cause some irritation and it may slip during intercourse. 21 out of every 100 women who use it will get pregnant. 5 out of 100 will get pregnant if it is used perfectly.
The Sponge- Is made of a spermicide soaked flexible plastic. It has a little nylon ribbon loop to aid removal of the sponge. To insert it you should get it wet then fit it over the cervix. It acts as a barrier, blocking sperm from entering the uterus. It cannot be felt by either partner and can be worn for up to 30 hours. Some say it is difficult to insert or remove. If it used perfectly 9 out 100 women will get pregnant when using it. It can cause toxic shock syndrome.
Spermicides- Chemicals that kill sperm cells. They come in creams, jellies, foams, films and suppositories. They are not very effective if used by themselves. It is best to use a back-up method. Sometimes they are messy and cause irritation.
The Diaphragm- A rubber shield that is placed over the cervix and acts as a barrier to keep sperm out of the uterus. There are many variations, such as the Shield or The Femcap. They all work they same way. Spermicides aid the diaphragm's effectiveness. The diaphragm is not an over the counter device. You must go to a doctor to be fitted for one.
The Copper IUD- An IUD is a T-shaped device that is fitted into the Uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes and prevents pregnancy. The copper on this form of IUD repels the sperm. Why this is not known. It can be left in for 12 years. A doctor must insert The IUD. Rarely the device may perforate the uterus or be expelled or cause infection.
Hormonal Birth Control:
The Pill-
The birth control pill uses hormones to fool the body into thinking it's pregnant. This stops ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. The sperm cannot release an unreleased egg nor can it get past the thick cervical mucus. It's 98 to 99% effective if used properly. However, antibiotics and anti-fungals can make them work less effectively. Some side effects include breast tenderness, nausea, headache, and spotting (bleeding between periods) Some advantages include clearing of acne, lighter periods and prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease.
The Patch- The patch is similar has hormones similar to the pill and works the same way. Only instead of receiving the hormones orally, the hormones soak through your skin directly into your bloodstream. This method works if you are not good at taking pills everyday. The patch should be changed monthly.
The Shot- Depo-Provera, is an injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate that prevents ovulation and regulates the period. You will only get your period 4 times a year when you use it. Some people experience bone-thinning or weight gain while using the pill.
The Ring- The Ring is a flexible ring of plastic that is inserted into the vagina and fitted over the cervix. It releases the same hormone as the patch and the pill and as similar side effects. It thins the lining of the uterus making implantation of the zygote difficult. However the ring should not be exposed to sunlight as it will damage it. It must stay in the vagina for exactly three weeks.
The Hormonal IUD- This Intrauterine device works the same way as the copper one but it can only remain inside the uterus for five years. It releases hormones like the pill, patch and ring.
The Implant- Is a small piece of plastic that contains hormones. It is inserted into the upper arm under the skin. It works the same way the pill. It is 99.9 effective for up to three years. You should not use it if you have had breast cancer or if you can't stand irregular bleeding and loss of period.
Permanent Birth Control:
Tubal Ligation- Tubal Ligation is a procedure when they perform to permanently sterilize a woman. A section of the fallopian tubes is either cut or tied blocking the sperm. This practice should only be used if someone is sure they do not want anymore children or if they state has ordered they be sterilized. One risk may be ectopic pregnancy, which is when a zygote implants inside the fallopian tubes.
Vasectomy- Is when the vas defrens are cut blocking sperm from leaving the body. It's cheaper and less risky than a tubal ligation.
There are many "behavioral forms of protection. Continuous breast feeding may prevent pregnancy because hormones released during breast-feeding can stop ovulation. Some people plan their sex lives around the menstrual cycle, choosing to have sex on "Safe days". This is risky because many women have irregular periods. Some people choose to withdraw from the vagina before ejaculation. Also risky, because pre-ejaculate may contain sperm. Abstinence is very effective but very hard to follow through with.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer, is obviously the cancer of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina.
It is a well-known fact that Cervical Cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. Some strains of the virus cause Genital Warts, while a few cause Cervical cancer. The virus changes normal healthy cells into abnormal cancer cells.At first you may not notice any symptoms. But once you do, symptoms include vaginal bleeding during intercourse, heavy vaginal discharge and abdominal pain. You can be tested by getting a pap smear. A pap smear is similar to a standard pelvic exam. You will asked to lay down, feet in stirrups and the doctor will examine you. A speculum will be inserted into the vagina to keep it open and then the doctor will insert a small spatula or brush, to swab the cervix to collect the cells and send the sample to a lab. The procedure is painless, but it helps if you're relaxed.
More tests will follow if your pap test is abnormal. If you have cancer, the cancerous parts can be frozen off or removed with a laser. You can also get pelvic radiation (I learned this at the National Cervical Cancer Coalition).
You can prevent getting HPV that causes cervical cancer by getting the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Even so you should still get pap smears.
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer is becoming fairly common. It is predominantly found in Caucasian (white) males, though there is a high incidence of testicular cancer in Maori Tribesman from New Zealand. It can run in families and males born with undescended testicles, or have suffered testicular torsion or hernia. It is not usually fatal because it is very easy to treat. It is treated with chemotherapy and like most cancers, easier to deal with if detected early.
Symptoms of testicular cancer can be swelling of the testicle, pain in the testicle or a painless lump. Sometimes there is abdominal pain. Men can screen themselves by feeling for lumps in their testicles. Many sexual health experts recommend doing this in the shower, because the heat from the water will cause the scrotum to loosen and pull the testicles further from the body, making examination easier. If there is a lump on both testicles it is probably a normal part of your testicles. If there is a lump in only one, then you should see a doctor. But if having lumps on both testes concerns you, see a doctor. The doctor will examine your testicles, if there is any concern, you will be sent to a specialist. The specialist may do an ultrasound, perform surgery to collect a sample of the lump and do a blood test.
The majority of testicular tumors are germ-cell tumors known as seminomas and teratomas.
October 8th,
Nicotine, is a chemical that naturally occurs in tobacco. Nicotine is named after Jean Nicot, who valued the medicinal properties of the herb and sent some to Queen Catherine de Medicis of France, to help cure her son's headaches. The treatment was successful and in homage tobacco was called Nicotania Tabacum, hence nicotine.
But all history aside, nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine, is not more so (and certainly easier to obtain). A person can be physically and psychologically addicted to nicotine.
Nicotine creates a pleasant and calming affect that makes one want to smoke more. It interferes with the nerve system, slowing the flow of information between cells. Eventually, the smoker will up the amount tobacco smoked, increasing nicotine levels in the bloodstream. The body builds up a tolerant (as with most drugs) so the smoker will increase it's tobacco use even more. In time, a certain level of nicotine is reach and the addict will keep using tobacco to maintain that level. Nicotine reaches the system faster than drugs that are injected intravenously.
WHen the smoke is inhaled, the nicotine enters the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream. It can affect the heart, the blood vessels, the hormonal system, your metabolism and the brain. Nicotine can also be found in breast milk and the cervical mucous of smokers (which is why a woman should not smoke while nursing!) If you smoke while pregnant, the nicotine enters the placenta and can be found in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood of newborns. The nicotine can cause birth defects, so it is beneficial to not smoke while pregnant.
Several factors related to Nicotine affect the metabolism and excretion systems. A smoker can have nicotine in their body three to four days after quitting.
October 5th,
The Seven Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections.
1. Chlamydia-
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is contracted from engaging in oral, anal or vaginal intercourse with someone who has it.
Sometimes, when someone has it, they don't show any symptoms, but when they do:
In Women- Pelvic pain, Vaginal discharge, Vaginal bleeding after intercourse and painful urination.
In Men- Painful urination and discharge from the penis.
To be sure you have chlamydia, you can go to a clinic and get tested. They test for it, either with a urine sample or a sample of the discharge. If you have chlamydia, it can be treated with antibiotics. While taking the antibiotics DO NOT have any form of sexual contact because the infection is still contagious.
If untreated, chlamydia can have dangerous long term effects. It can cause infections of the reproductive organs ine both sexes and infertility in both sex. It can also be passed from mother to child, if a woman is pregnant or giving birth.
2. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection similar to chlamydia, that is contracted from sexual contact with an infected person.
Like chlamydia, sometimes you can have no symptoms, but when you do they are:
In Women- Pelvic pain, painful urination, vaginal discharge, blood and pus from the anus, unexplained fever and sore throat.
In Men- Painful urination, bleeding and pus from the anus, unexplained fever and sore throat.
To know for sure, you would need to have a test done from a urine sample or a sample of the discharge. If you have it, it can be treated with antibiotics. If it goes untreated, it could lead to Pelvic Inflammatory disease (in women), infertility in both sexes, skin and heart problems and can be passed from mother to child causing eye damage in the infant.
Syphilis is another bacterial infection which is conracted from sexual activity with an infected person. There are three stages to the disease. In the first stage, you will notice painless sores on the genitals or elsewhere. If you go to the doctor and get tested, either by examination of the sores or a blood test and are positive, they will give antibiotics, in some cases, the sufferer of the infection is hospitalized, especially if they are in the later stages.
If you don't get it treated right away syphilis can go into the second stage. The symptoms of the second stage include- New sores, a rash, a sore throat, swollen glands and hair loss.
If you don't get it treated at that point it can go into the third stage. The third stage can cause permanent damage to the heart and brain, pelvic inflammatory disease (which can lead to cancers fo the female reproductive organs), death, and the damage and even death of a fetus.
HIV is a Virus that attacks the immune system, which will cause you to have AIDS, an immune defiency disorder. It is contracted from sexual contact, blood to blood contact, and sharing contaminated with someone who is HIV positive. It can also be passed from mother to child through breast milk, if the mother has HIV.
Sometimes there are no symptoms. WHen there are, they consist of fever, chills, night swears, swollen glands, raised purple blotches on the skin, diarrhea, white spots in the mouth and a dry cough with shortness of breath.
TO know if you have HIV for sure you can get a blood test, but they also do oral swabs called "Orasure". If you are HIV positive you can take care of yourself by taking medications to boost your immune system. If you do not take care of it, your immune system will shut down and you can contract life-threatening deadly illnesses. A mothe can also pass it to her child, either through blood or breastmilk.
5.Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes is an infection cause by the Herpes Simplex Virus. It can be contract through sexual contact or skin to skin contact with an infected person. It can be contracted even if no sores are present. The symptoms include painful blisters that burst into sores, then dry up and swollen glands. Once you get herpes you can't get rid of it. You can find out wether or not you have herpes through a medical exam or a blood test. If you have it you can use medicinal creams to soothe and heal the sores and medications to prevent future outbreaks of the sores.
If it goes untreated it will be uncomfortable and you can spread it to others. A mother can pass it to her child during childbirth causing brain damage, illness and death.
6.Genital Warts
Genital Warts is an infection caused by the HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus. You can get it from skin to skin contact or ssexual contact with someone who is infected. The syptoms consist of cauliflower like bumps in or on the genitals and some itching. To know for sure you can get a medical exam or a pap smear. A Pap Smear is when a woman goes to the gynecologist, they place a speculum in her vagina (to keep it open) and gently brush the cervix with a long Q-tip, to collect some cervical cells to be tested.
Genital Warts is treated with surgical removal of the warts, but the virus will remain in your body. If the virus remains untreated, the warts will become larger and be more painful. If sufferer is female, cervical cancer may result and like all most STI's the virus can be passed from mother to child during birth.
7. Pubic Lice "crabs"
Pubic lice, is of all 7 STI's the least dangerous, although very unpleasant. Pubic Lice are small parasites that live in the pubic hair around the genitals. You can get them from sexual contact with someone who has them, or simply from sharing towels, bedding and clothes with an infected person.
The symptoms include severe itching, dots of blood in the underwear and most frightening, seeing the lice themselves. You can find out whether or not you have them by getting a visual examination (just like when you get your head checked for lice). You can treat the lice with a special shampoo and washing your bedding and clothes. If they go untreated the itching will get wprse and you will get a bacterial infection from all that scratching.
Birth Control
I lost all my handouts, so all the information I gather for this assignment is from Planned Parenthood, which is the best source for birth control information.
I will first describe non hormonal birth control:
The Condom (male)- The condom is a sheath of latex, lambskin or polyurethane that is fitted over the penis. It acts as a barrier and prevents the exchange of bodily fluids, such as semen, blood and vaginal discharge. Besides preventing Pregnancy, this method will prevent STIs. Out of every 100 couple who use this method, 15 will get pregnant. The condom will not work if you put it on improperly, remove it during sex, or if it breaks. It can break if it is too old or if sharp fingernails or jewelry damage it.
The Condom (female)- The Female Condom is also a sheath of latex that acts as a barrier during sexual intercourse. It is inserted into the vagina and also protects the vulva. It may cause some irritation and it may slip during intercourse. 21 out of every 100 women who use it will get pregnant. 5 out of 100 will get pregnant if it is used perfectly.
The Sponge- Is made of a spermicide soaked flexible plastic. It has a little nylon ribbon loop to aid removal of the sponge. To insert it you should get it wet then fit it over the cervix. It acts as a barrier, blocking sperm from entering the uterus. It cannot be felt by either partner and can be worn for up to 30 hours. Some say it is difficult to insert or remove. If it used perfectly 9 out 100 women will get pregnant when using it. It can cause toxic shock syndrome.
Spermicides- Chemicals that kill sperm cells. They come in creams, jellies, foams, films and suppositories. They are not very effective if used by themselves. It is best to use a back-up method. Sometimes they are messy and cause irritation.
The Diaphragm- A rubber shield that is placed over the cervix and acts as a barrier to keep sperm out of the uterus. There are many variations, such as the Shield or The Femcap. They all work they same way. Spermicides aid the diaphragm's effectiveness. The diaphragm is not an over the counter device. You must go to a doctor to be fitted for one.
The Copper IUD- An IUD is a T-shaped device that is fitted into the Uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes and prevents pregnancy. The copper on this form of IUD repels the sperm. Why this is not known. It can be left in for 12 years. A doctor must insert The IUD. Rarely the device may perforate the uterus or be expelled or cause infection.
Hormonal Birth Control:
The Pill-
The birth control pill uses hormones to fool the body into thinking it's pregnant. This stops ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus. The sperm cannot release an unreleased egg nor can it get past the thick cervical mucus. It's 98 to 99% effective if used properly. However, antibiotics and anti-fungals can make them work less effectively. Some side effects include breast tenderness, nausea, headache, and spotting (bleeding between periods) Some advantages include clearing of acne, lighter periods and prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease.
The Patch- The patch is similar has hormones similar to the pill and works the same way. Only instead of receiving the hormones orally, the hormones soak through your skin directly into your bloodstream. This method works if you are not good at taking pills everyday. The patch should be changed monthly.
The Shot- Depo-Provera, is an injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate that prevents ovulation and regulates the period. You will only get your period 4 times a year when you use it. Some people experience bone-thinning or weight gain while using the pill.
The Ring- The Ring is a flexible ring of plastic that is inserted into the vagina and fitted over the cervix. It releases the same hormone as the patch and the pill and as similar side effects. It thins the lining of the uterus making implantation of the zygote difficult. However the ring should not be exposed to sunlight as it will damage it. It must stay in the vagina for exactly three weeks.
The Hormonal IUD- This Intrauterine device works the same way as the copper one but it can only remain inside the uterus for five years. It releases hormones like the pill, patch and ring.
The Implant- Is a small piece of plastic that contains hormones. It is inserted into the upper arm under the skin. It works the same way the pill. It is 99.9 effective for up to three years. You should not use it if you have had breast cancer or if you can't stand irregular bleeding and loss of period.
Permanent Birth Control:
Tubal Ligation- Tubal Ligation is a procedure when they perform to permanently sterilize a woman. A section of the fallopian tubes is either cut or tied blocking the sperm. This practice should only be used if someone is sure they do not want anymore children or if they state has ordered they be sterilized. One risk may be ectopic pregnancy, which is when a zygote implants inside the fallopian tubes.
Vasectomy- Is when the vas defrens are cut blocking sperm from leaving the body. It's cheaper and less risky than a tubal ligation.
There are many "behavioral forms of protection. Continuous breast feeding may prevent pregnancy because hormones released during breast-feeding can stop ovulation. Some people plan their sex lives around the menstrual cycle, choosing to have sex on "Safe days". This is risky because many women have irregular periods. Some people choose to withdraw from the vagina before ejaculation. Also risky, because pre-ejaculate may contain sperm. Abstinence is very effective but very hard to follow through with.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer, is obviously the cancer of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina.
It is a well-known fact that Cervical Cancer is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. Some strains of the virus cause Genital Warts, while a few cause Cervical cancer. The virus changes normal healthy cells into abnormal cancer cells.At first you may not notice any symptoms. But once you do, symptoms include vaginal bleeding during intercourse, heavy vaginal discharge and abdominal pain. You can be tested by getting a pap smear. A pap smear is similar to a standard pelvic exam. You will asked to lay down, feet in stirrups and the doctor will examine you. A speculum will be inserted into the vagina to keep it open and then the doctor will insert a small spatula or brush, to swab the cervix to collect the cells and send the sample to a lab. The procedure is painless, but it helps if you're relaxed.
More tests will follow if your pap test is abnormal. If you have cancer, the cancerous parts can be frozen off or removed with a laser. You can also get pelvic radiation (I learned this at the National Cervical Cancer Coalition).
You can prevent getting HPV that causes cervical cancer by getting the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Even so you should still get pap smears.
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer is becoming fairly common. It is predominantly found in Caucasian (white) males, though there is a high incidence of testicular cancer in Maori Tribesman from New Zealand. It can run in families and males born with undescended testicles, or have suffered testicular torsion or hernia. It is not usually fatal because it is very easy to treat. It is treated with chemotherapy and like most cancers, easier to deal with if detected early.
Symptoms of testicular cancer can be swelling of the testicle, pain in the testicle or a painless lump. Sometimes there is abdominal pain. Men can screen themselves by feeling for lumps in their testicles. Many sexual health experts recommend doing this in the shower, because the heat from the water will cause the scrotum to loosen and pull the testicles further from the body, making examination easier. If there is a lump on both testicles it is probably a normal part of your testicles. If there is a lump in only one, then you should see a doctor. But if having lumps on both testes concerns you, see a doctor. The doctor will examine your testicles, if there is any concern, you will be sent to a specialist. The specialist may do an ultrasound, perform surgery to collect a sample of the lump and do a blood test.
The majority of testicular tumors are germ-cell tumors known as seminomas and teratomas.
October 8th,
Nicotine, is a chemical that naturally occurs in tobacco. Nicotine is named after Jean Nicot, who valued the medicinal properties of the herb and sent some to Queen Catherine de Medicis of France, to help cure her son's headaches. The treatment was successful and in homage tobacco was called Nicotania Tabacum, hence nicotine.
But all history aside, nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine, is not more so (and certainly easier to obtain). A person can be physically and psychologically addicted to nicotine.
Nicotine creates a pleasant and calming affect that makes one want to smoke more. It interferes with the nerve system, slowing the flow of information between cells. Eventually, the smoker will up the amount tobacco smoked, increasing nicotine levels in the bloodstream. The body builds up a tolerant (as with most drugs) so the smoker will increase it's tobacco use even more. In time, a certain level of nicotine is reach and the addict will keep using tobacco to maintain that level. Nicotine reaches the system faster than drugs that are injected intravenously.
WHen the smoke is inhaled, the nicotine enters the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream. It can affect the heart, the blood vessels, the hormonal system, your metabolism and the brain. Nicotine can also be found in breast milk and the cervical mucous of smokers (which is why a woman should not smoke while nursing!) If you smoke while pregnant, the nicotine enters the placenta and can be found in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood of newborns. The nicotine can cause birth defects, so it is beneficial to not smoke while pregnant.
Several factors related to Nicotine affect the metabolism and excretion systems. A smoker can have nicotine in their body three to four days after quitting.
October 5th,
The Seven Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections.
1. Chlamydia-
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is contracted from engaging in oral, anal or vaginal intercourse with someone who has it.
Sometimes, when someone has it, they don't show any symptoms, but when they do:
In Women- Pelvic pain, Vaginal discharge, Vaginal bleeding after intercourse and painful urination.
In Men- Painful urination and discharge from the penis.
To be sure you have chlamydia, you can go to a clinic and get tested. They test for it, either with a urine sample or a sample of the discharge. If you have chlamydia, it can be treated with antibiotics. While taking the antibiotics DO NOT have any form of sexual contact because the infection is still contagious.
If untreated, chlamydia can have dangerous long term effects. It can cause infections of the reproductive organs ine both sexes and infertility in both sex. It can also be passed from mother to child, if a woman is pregnant or giving birth.
2. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection similar to chlamydia, that is contracted from sexual contact with an infected person.
Like chlamydia, sometimes you can have no symptoms, but when you do they are:
In Women- Pelvic pain, painful urination, vaginal discharge, blood and pus from the anus, unexplained fever and sore throat.
In Men- Painful urination, bleeding and pus from the anus, unexplained fever and sore throat.
To know for sure, you would need to have a test done from a urine sample or a sample of the discharge. If you have it, it can be treated with antibiotics. If it goes untreated, it could lead to Pelvic Inflammatory disease (in women), infertility in both sexes, skin and heart problems and can be passed from mother to child causing eye damage in the infant.
Syphilis is another bacterial infection which is conracted from sexual activity with an infected person. There are three stages to the disease. In the first stage, you will notice painless sores on the genitals or elsewhere. If you go to the doctor and get tested, either by examination of the sores or a blood test and are positive, they will give antibiotics, in some cases, the sufferer of the infection is hospitalized, especially if they are in the later stages.
If you don't get it treated right away syphilis can go into the second stage. The symptoms of the second stage include- New sores, a rash, a sore throat, swollen glands and hair loss.
If you don't get it treated at that point it can go into the third stage. The third stage can cause permanent damage to the heart and brain, pelvic inflammatory disease (which can lead to cancers fo the female reproductive organs), death, and the damage and even death of a fetus.
HIV is a Virus that attacks the immune system, which will cause you to have AIDS, an immune defiency disorder. It is contracted from sexual contact, blood to blood contact, and sharing contaminated with someone who is HIV positive. It can also be passed from mother to child through breast milk, if the mother has HIV.
Sometimes there are no symptoms. WHen there are, they consist of fever, chills, night swears, swollen glands, raised purple blotches on the skin, diarrhea, white spots in the mouth and a dry cough with shortness of breath.
TO know if you have HIV for sure you can get a blood test, but they also do oral swabs called "Orasure". If you are HIV positive you can take care of yourself by taking medications to boost your immune system. If you do not take care of it, your immune system will shut down and you can contract life-threatening deadly illnesses. A mothe can also pass it to her child, either through blood or breastmilk.
5.Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes is an infection cause by the Herpes Simplex Virus. It can be contract through sexual contact or skin to skin contact with an infected person. It can be contracted even if no sores are present. The symptoms include painful blisters that burst into sores, then dry up and swollen glands. Once you get herpes you can't get rid of it. You can find out wether or not you have herpes through a medical exam or a blood test. If you have it you can use medicinal creams to soothe and heal the sores and medications to prevent future outbreaks of the sores.
If it goes untreated it will be uncomfortable and you can spread it to others. A mother can pass it to her child during childbirth causing brain damage, illness and death.
6.Genital Warts
Genital Warts is an infection caused by the HPV, the Human Papilloma Virus. You can get it from skin to skin contact or ssexual contact with someone who is infected. The syptoms consist of cauliflower like bumps in or on the genitals and some itching. To know for sure you can get a medical exam or a pap smear. A Pap Smear is when a woman goes to the gynecologist, they place a speculum in her vagina (to keep it open) and gently brush the cervix with a long Q-tip, to collect some cervical cells to be tested.
Genital Warts is treated with surgical removal of the warts, but the virus will remain in your body. If the virus remains untreated, the warts will become larger and be more painful. If sufferer is female, cervical cancer may result and like all most STI's the virus can be passed from mother to child during birth.
7. Pubic Lice "crabs"
Pubic lice, is of all 7 STI's the least dangerous, although very unpleasant. Pubic Lice are small parasites that live in the pubic hair around the genitals. You can get them from sexual contact with someone who has them, or simply from sharing towels, bedding and clothes with an infected person.
The symptoms include severe itching, dots of blood in the underwear and most frightening, seeing the lice themselves. You can find out whether or not you have them by getting a visual examination (just like when you get your head checked for lice). You can treat the lice with a special shampoo and washing your bedding and clothes. If they go untreated the itching will get wprse and you will get a bacterial infection from all that scratching.
Shared Projects From Peers
September 24th-
J. Ruggiero
Apples are a tradition fruite especially used in pies. However they have many benifical effects for our health such as; arthritis, gout, cleansing toxins in our body and are good for weight loss. Apples also have good sources of Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A just to name a few. Some people believe that you should not eat apple seeds because of the cyanide in them is toxic. Some apples have wax covering them, therefore it is better to buy organicly grown apples or eat ones you grow yourself.
B. Comtois
My Fruit is the lemon. It is tradtionly used for anemia, arthritis, blood, constipation, gout, indigestion, scurvy, skin problems, toxin elimination, and weight loss. A lemon can be a good source of bioflavanoids, vitamin C and potassium. When telling if a lemon is freash it should not have any green on it because that means that has a high acid content. You want a lemon that has a smooth skin, that means that it will have more juice in it. It is important that you know citrus fruits can take calcium from the body if you have too much of them. All of the citrus fruits give citric acid to the body and so it is good to exercise after having a citrus fruit or drink. It is always a good idea to leave the white membrain on the lemon when juicing because ut produces bioflavanoids that helps the body absorb and use vitamin C. The best fruit to use the lemon with is the apple. The three biggest vitamin in the lemon it vitamin C, A and B.
L Conway
The traditional medical uses of oranges are for Anemia, Blood, Constipation, Gout, Indigestion, Liver, Lungs, Scurvy, Skin Problems, Strengthening Blood Vessels, and Weight Loss. They are a good source of Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Silicon Zinc, B-1, 2, & 6, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Bioflavanoids, Biotin, Folic Acid, and Inositol. The freshness test for oranges is weight and good color. Because an orange is a citrus fruit it should not be take in excess because it can take calcium from the body. Always remove the skin of an orange before eating it. Orange juice should be drunk right after it is juiced to get all of the Vitamin C. The top three vitamins in oranges are Vitamin C, Thiamin , and Riboflavin.
September 11th 2007
M. Waryas- Vitamin B-6, works as a coenzyme, a molecule that provides a transfer site for chemical reactions within your body, it helps convert tryptophan, the chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy, to niacin, which can be found in multiple foods including: meat, fish, eggs, milk, and whole grained foods.This vitamin promotes a healthy cardivascular, nervous, and immune systems, and supports healthy skin, hair and nails and a normal red- blood cell formation. It can be used as a possible anemia treatment, functions as a tranquilizer. It also causes a reduction of PMS symptoms and may reduce asthma symptoms and it increases serotonin to ease sleep. People who would benefit from taking B-6 vitamins include pregnant or breast-feeding women, substance abusers, estrogen or contraceptive user, or those with increased nutritional needs.This vitamin can be found naturally in many foods, including: avacados, bananas, chicken, ham, potatoes, salmon, shrimp, sunflower seeds, and many others. B-6 is available in liquid form, due to its fast absorption.Before taking B-6, you should consult your doctor if you have intestinal problem, liver disease, overactive thyroid, or sickle-cell disease. If you are over 55, a marginal deficincy of this vitamin is more likely to occur. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid large doses because it could cause dependency in the child. Some symptoms of deficiency include weakness, mental confusion, inablity to sleep, irratablity, anemia, or tongue discoloration. Signs of an overdose include include irreversible nerve damage, and excess use of the vitamin may lead to kidney stones. Stop and consult your doctor if depression occurs and you are on an oral contraceptive, or if you have been taking the vitamin for several months and begin to have severs sensory neuropathy. This vitamin interacts with many other substances. Some of these include: oral contraceptives reduce vitamin absorption rates, as do tobacco and alcohol and phenytoin.
J. Mayer- Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)Thiamine is a very important vitamin because it helps you metabolize your fat, however, it is water soluble, which means that it disintegrates in water. After it is in the body, the water in your body makes it disappear in some parts, but not completely because the nutrients in Thiamine store the vitamin in your muscle tissues. It helps keep your heart healthy along with your digestive system and your nervous system. However, its not able to be stored in the body, minus your muscle tissues, so you have to take in the vitamin frequently to remain healthy.The vitamin, Thiamine can be found in bananas, pork, spinach, breads, yeast, and many more.If you have a Thiamine deficiency meaning that you cant take in and keep Thiamine, or that you just don't eat the proper foods for it, it results in having no nutrition. Or, if you are an alcoholic, the alcohol takes away the nutrition that some of your foods, and can lead to death or wasting.
E. Comtois- Vitamin B3, or Niacin, is a vitamin that is like other B vitamins it creates enzymes that are a key to changing food into energy, combining hormones, repair genetic material, and keeps the nervous system functioning. It is needed for 50 body processes. You can get vitamin B3 from things like, Beef liver, Brewer’s yeast, the white meat of a chicken, dried beans and peas, fortified cereals, halibut, peanut butter, peanuts, pork, potatoes, salmon, soybeans, swordfish, tuna and turkey. This vitamin can help with treating pellagra, can decreases cholesterol, if taken in large doses can dilate blood vessels, it helps handle ear ringing and dizziness, its great for genetic material repair, there can be a reduction in heart attacks, it calms depression and migraine headaches, and possible poor digestion could be improved. Some of the benefits of Vitamin B3 are, it can help people with poor food intake by keeping them healthy, pregnant woman or woman that are breast feeding can help there child by giving them the right amount of vitamins, with substance abusers it can help improve their mental awareness, people that are severe burn or injury patients it can help heal their wounds, infants with disorders that a don't turn there food into energy, and people that have had heart problems it can help also. Vitamin B3 is offered as a liquid or tablet but it is more readily available in liquid due to high bio-availability and it is better due to faster absorption. When digesting this vitamin you should talk to your doctor if you have, diabetes, gout, gallbladder or liver disease , internal bleeding, and glaucoma because it can make you worse if taken to much or to little. There are some deficiencies with taking this vitamin may have dermatitis on you hand and face, lose of appetite, a sore mouth, diarrhea, and depression. If you have had an overdose of this vitamin, you may have body flush, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, light headiness, headache, fainting, high blood sugar, high uric acid, and heart- rhythm disturbance. From this vitamin you can have many different side effects. There is abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, darkened urine, faintness, feeling hot, and dry skin. Last but not least there can be interaction that might not be good with this vitamin. Most of these interactions happen with medications that you are taking. For example, Antibiotics, Tetracycline, Aspirin, Blood Pressure Medications, Alpha-blockers, Cholesterol-lowering Medications, Diabetes Medications, and Nicotine Patches. The other things that it can interact with are, Anti-diabetics it can lead to a reduction in the anti-diabetic effect, the beta-adrenergic blockers can cause incredibly low blood pressures, tobacco can lead to a reduction in niacin effect, and alcohol can cause an incredible reduction in blood pressure.
L. Conway- Vitamin B-5 also known as Pantothenic Acid is used by the body to help take carbohydrates, protein, and fat and turn them into energy. There are many benefits of this vitamin, it helps with natural growth, it helps take the food that you eat and turn it into energy, and it can help relieve stress and fatigue. There is a large list of common foods that have Pantothenic Acid in them, these foods include Avocados, Bananas, Blue cheese, Broccoli, Chicken, Collard greens, Eggs, Lentils, Liver, Lobster, Meats, Milk, Oranges, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Peas, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Wheat germ, and Whole-grain products. Vitamin B-5 can be taken in different forms, but liquid is the best because your body absorbs it the fastest.There are some minor downfalls to taking Vitamin B-5. If you have Hemophilia(when your blood does not clot) you should consult a doctor before taken extra Vitamin B-5. The only affect of taking too much Vitamin B-5 is diarrhea, if this occurs you should reduce the amount of Vitamin B-5 that you are taking and see a doctor. Vitamin B-5 can limit the effect of the medicine Levodopa. Also its own effects are limited if it is used by a person who uses tobacco products. Vitamin B-5 is a good thing to take to improve your overall health.
A. Rathbun- Folic Acid (vitamin B-9) is also known as folate, and folacin; it's chemical name is pteroyigulamic. this is a very important vitamin. This vitamin is needed to do many things in the body. The vitamin can be made in the body and then stored in the liver.Vitamin B-9 is needed in cell growth and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B-9 is also very important in the formation of red blood cells, amino acids and last but not least energy productions. Along with those it is absolutly vital for creating heme, which is the iron substance in hemoglobin, essentail for oxygen transport. Vitamin B-9 works as a coenzyme in RNA and DNA synthesis. It is also good for digestion and for your nervous system. The vitamin also works to better your mental and emotional health. So it can be used as a treatment for depression and anxiety.Not having enough folic acid (vitamin B-9) can cause diarrhea, heartburn and constipation. For an unborn baby being deficient in the vitamin can be dangerous. It increases the risk that the baby might be born with some serious defects to its nervous system, like spina bifidia. In adults and teens when there is a deficincy of the vitamin you can sufer from fatigue, acne, sore tongue, and cracking at the corner of your mouth. Having a long term deficincy may cause anemia and cancer of the bowl and/or cervix.The recommended daily dosage of vitamin B-9 is 400 micrograms. People on meds for epilepsy need to e careful with large amounts of the vitamin because it can change the functions of those medications. But having to much of the vitamin can cover up a vitamin B-12 deficincy. Folic acid is most effective when it is taken with other B vitamins like, B-12, B-6, and vitamin C. Fresh greens like broccli, and spinich contain vitamin B-9; it is also found in fruits and starchy veggies, whole grains, and beans
J. Kearney- Vitamin D also known as Cholecalcifero plays an enormous role in the development of bone growth, Vitamins D is used to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the body to create this bone. In a section from a website it states that Vitamin D can be found in different sources: “Great sources of this supplement include fortified milk, oily fish, liver, and eggs.”( There are many benefits that Vitamin D can give to the body by helping prevent substance abusers, nutritional intake, and extended stress. Vitamin D can also help people that do not receive enough sunshine by giving them the needed nutrients, vegetarians that don’t receive enough Vitamin D, and patients that suffer from cystic fibrosis patients. Vitamin D can be found in many different sources, in a section from a website of health listed them: cod-liver oil, egg substitutes, halibut-liver oil, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, sunlight, tuna, and Vitamin-D-fortified milk. ( There are many different ways that Vitamin D can be taken or used, but the best way that it can be obtained is through its liquid state. Tablets for Vitamin D can also be taken to help get the needed amount. When taking Vitamin D you should be cautious and consult your doctor and from a statement from a health website it pronounced that:“Consult your doctor if you have:have planned pregnancy while taking vitamin D, epilepsy, heart or blood-vessel disease, kidney, liver or pancreatic disease, chronic diarrhea, intestinal problems, sarcoidosis and if you are over 55:higher potential for adverse reactions and side effects.”( are some symptoms of deficiency that could occur would be weakness in the muscles, bone pain tenderness, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer and in children rickets.( There are many different signs of an overdose of Vitamin D, in a segment of a health cite described these signs:“high blood pressure, Irregular heartbeat, nausea, weight loss, seizures, abdominal pain, appetite loss, mental-and physical-growth retardation, premature hardening of arteriesKidney damage.” ( are many different side effects that are caused by Vitamin D but these are found to be the most important:The loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea or vomiting, increased thirst, mental confusion, and headaches. If any of these systems should occur discuss with your doctor straight away.Vitamin D has different sorts of interactions such as:“Anticonvulsants: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Barbiturates: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Calcitonin: Calcitonin effect reduced when treating hypercalcemia.Calcium (high doses): Risk of hypercalcemia increased. Cholestyramine: Vitamin absorption reduced.Colestipol: Vitamin absorption reduced.Cortisone: Vitamin absorption reduced.Digitalis preparations: Heartbeat irregularities increased.Diuretics, thiazide: Hypercalcemia risk increased.Hydration: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Mineral oil: Absorption of vitamin D increased.Phosphorus- containing medicines: Risk increased of too much phosphorus in blood.Primidone : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Vitamin-D derivatives: Increased potential for toxicity due to additive effects.Alcohol: Depletes storage of vitamin D in liver”( are very important interactions that Vitamin D can cause and should be taken seriously and looked into every few months
Z. Whitcomb- For the first project I had to research vitamin H and what it dose for the body. Vitamin H is received from certain intestinal bacteria, Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. This particular Vitamin is used for boosting metabolism. protects amino acids and set up for the building of protein. this particular virtaman is used for cell growth
J. Ruggiero
Apples are a tradition fruite especially used in pies. However they have many benifical effects for our health such as; arthritis, gout, cleansing toxins in our body and are good for weight loss. Apples also have good sources of Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A just to name a few. Some people believe that you should not eat apple seeds because of the cyanide in them is toxic. Some apples have wax covering them, therefore it is better to buy organicly grown apples or eat ones you grow yourself.
B. Comtois
My Fruit is the lemon. It is tradtionly used for anemia, arthritis, blood, constipation, gout, indigestion, scurvy, skin problems, toxin elimination, and weight loss. A lemon can be a good source of bioflavanoids, vitamin C and potassium. When telling if a lemon is freash it should not have any green on it because that means that has a high acid content. You want a lemon that has a smooth skin, that means that it will have more juice in it. It is important that you know citrus fruits can take calcium from the body if you have too much of them. All of the citrus fruits give citric acid to the body and so it is good to exercise after having a citrus fruit or drink. It is always a good idea to leave the white membrain on the lemon when juicing because ut produces bioflavanoids that helps the body absorb and use vitamin C. The best fruit to use the lemon with is the apple. The three biggest vitamin in the lemon it vitamin C, A and B.
L Conway
The traditional medical uses of oranges are for Anemia, Blood, Constipation, Gout, Indigestion, Liver, Lungs, Scurvy, Skin Problems, Strengthening Blood Vessels, and Weight Loss. They are a good source of Calcium, Chlorine, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Silicon Zinc, B-1, 2, & 6, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Bioflavanoids, Biotin, Folic Acid, and Inositol. The freshness test for oranges is weight and good color. Because an orange is a citrus fruit it should not be take in excess because it can take calcium from the body. Always remove the skin of an orange before eating it. Orange juice should be drunk right after it is juiced to get all of the Vitamin C. The top three vitamins in oranges are Vitamin C, Thiamin , and Riboflavin.
September 11th 2007
M. Waryas- Vitamin B-6, works as a coenzyme, a molecule that provides a transfer site for chemical reactions within your body, it helps convert tryptophan, the chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy, to niacin, which can be found in multiple foods including: meat, fish, eggs, milk, and whole grained foods.This vitamin promotes a healthy cardivascular, nervous, and immune systems, and supports healthy skin, hair and nails and a normal red- blood cell formation. It can be used as a possible anemia treatment, functions as a tranquilizer. It also causes a reduction of PMS symptoms and may reduce asthma symptoms and it increases serotonin to ease sleep. People who would benefit from taking B-6 vitamins include pregnant or breast-feeding women, substance abusers, estrogen or contraceptive user, or those with increased nutritional needs.This vitamin can be found naturally in many foods, including: avacados, bananas, chicken, ham, potatoes, salmon, shrimp, sunflower seeds, and many others. B-6 is available in liquid form, due to its fast absorption.Before taking B-6, you should consult your doctor if you have intestinal problem, liver disease, overactive thyroid, or sickle-cell disease. If you are over 55, a marginal deficincy of this vitamin is more likely to occur. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid large doses because it could cause dependency in the child. Some symptoms of deficiency include weakness, mental confusion, inablity to sleep, irratablity, anemia, or tongue discoloration. Signs of an overdose include include irreversible nerve damage, and excess use of the vitamin may lead to kidney stones. Stop and consult your doctor if depression occurs and you are on an oral contraceptive, or if you have been taking the vitamin for several months and begin to have severs sensory neuropathy. This vitamin interacts with many other substances. Some of these include: oral contraceptives reduce vitamin absorption rates, as do tobacco and alcohol and phenytoin.
J. Mayer- Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)Thiamine is a very important vitamin because it helps you metabolize your fat, however, it is water soluble, which means that it disintegrates in water. After it is in the body, the water in your body makes it disappear in some parts, but not completely because the nutrients in Thiamine store the vitamin in your muscle tissues. It helps keep your heart healthy along with your digestive system and your nervous system. However, its not able to be stored in the body, minus your muscle tissues, so you have to take in the vitamin frequently to remain healthy.The vitamin, Thiamine can be found in bananas, pork, spinach, breads, yeast, and many more.If you have a Thiamine deficiency meaning that you cant take in and keep Thiamine, or that you just don't eat the proper foods for it, it results in having no nutrition. Or, if you are an alcoholic, the alcohol takes away the nutrition that some of your foods, and can lead to death or wasting.
E. Comtois- Vitamin B3, or Niacin, is a vitamin that is like other B vitamins it creates enzymes that are a key to changing food into energy, combining hormones, repair genetic material, and keeps the nervous system functioning. It is needed for 50 body processes. You can get vitamin B3 from things like, Beef liver, Brewer’s yeast, the white meat of a chicken, dried beans and peas, fortified cereals, halibut, peanut butter, peanuts, pork, potatoes, salmon, soybeans, swordfish, tuna and turkey. This vitamin can help with treating pellagra, can decreases cholesterol, if taken in large doses can dilate blood vessels, it helps handle ear ringing and dizziness, its great for genetic material repair, there can be a reduction in heart attacks, it calms depression and migraine headaches, and possible poor digestion could be improved. Some of the benefits of Vitamin B3 are, it can help people with poor food intake by keeping them healthy, pregnant woman or woman that are breast feeding can help there child by giving them the right amount of vitamins, with substance abusers it can help improve their mental awareness, people that are severe burn or injury patients it can help heal their wounds, infants with disorders that a don't turn there food into energy, and people that have had heart problems it can help also. Vitamin B3 is offered as a liquid or tablet but it is more readily available in liquid due to high bio-availability and it is better due to faster absorption. When digesting this vitamin you should talk to your doctor if you have, diabetes, gout, gallbladder or liver disease , internal bleeding, and glaucoma because it can make you worse if taken to much or to little. There are some deficiencies with taking this vitamin may have dermatitis on you hand and face, lose of appetite, a sore mouth, diarrhea, and depression. If you have had an overdose of this vitamin, you may have body flush, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, light headiness, headache, fainting, high blood sugar, high uric acid, and heart- rhythm disturbance. From this vitamin you can have many different side effects. There is abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, darkened urine, faintness, feeling hot, and dry skin. Last but not least there can be interaction that might not be good with this vitamin. Most of these interactions happen with medications that you are taking. For example, Antibiotics, Tetracycline, Aspirin, Blood Pressure Medications, Alpha-blockers, Cholesterol-lowering Medications, Diabetes Medications, and Nicotine Patches. The other things that it can interact with are, Anti-diabetics it can lead to a reduction in the anti-diabetic effect, the beta-adrenergic blockers can cause incredibly low blood pressures, tobacco can lead to a reduction in niacin effect, and alcohol can cause an incredible reduction in blood pressure.
L. Conway- Vitamin B-5 also known as Pantothenic Acid is used by the body to help take carbohydrates, protein, and fat and turn them into energy. There are many benefits of this vitamin, it helps with natural growth, it helps take the food that you eat and turn it into energy, and it can help relieve stress and fatigue. There is a large list of common foods that have Pantothenic Acid in them, these foods include Avocados, Bananas, Blue cheese, Broccoli, Chicken, Collard greens, Eggs, Lentils, Liver, Lobster, Meats, Milk, Oranges, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Peas, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Wheat germ, and Whole-grain products. Vitamin B-5 can be taken in different forms, but liquid is the best because your body absorbs it the fastest.There are some minor downfalls to taking Vitamin B-5. If you have Hemophilia(when your blood does not clot) you should consult a doctor before taken extra Vitamin B-5. The only affect of taking too much Vitamin B-5 is diarrhea, if this occurs you should reduce the amount of Vitamin B-5 that you are taking and see a doctor. Vitamin B-5 can limit the effect of the medicine Levodopa. Also its own effects are limited if it is used by a person who uses tobacco products. Vitamin B-5 is a good thing to take to improve your overall health.
A. Rathbun- Folic Acid (vitamin B-9) is also known as folate, and folacin; it's chemical name is pteroyigulamic. this is a very important vitamin. This vitamin is needed to do many things in the body. The vitamin can be made in the body and then stored in the liver.Vitamin B-9 is needed in cell growth and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B-9 is also very important in the formation of red blood cells, amino acids and last but not least energy productions. Along with those it is absolutly vital for creating heme, which is the iron substance in hemoglobin, essentail for oxygen transport. Vitamin B-9 works as a coenzyme in RNA and DNA synthesis. It is also good for digestion and for your nervous system. The vitamin also works to better your mental and emotional health. So it can be used as a treatment for depression and anxiety.Not having enough folic acid (vitamin B-9) can cause diarrhea, heartburn and constipation. For an unborn baby being deficient in the vitamin can be dangerous. It increases the risk that the baby might be born with some serious defects to its nervous system, like spina bifidia. In adults and teens when there is a deficincy of the vitamin you can sufer from fatigue, acne, sore tongue, and cracking at the corner of your mouth. Having a long term deficincy may cause anemia and cancer of the bowl and/or cervix.The recommended daily dosage of vitamin B-9 is 400 micrograms. People on meds for epilepsy need to e careful with large amounts of the vitamin because it can change the functions of those medications. But having to much of the vitamin can cover up a vitamin B-12 deficincy. Folic acid is most effective when it is taken with other B vitamins like, B-12, B-6, and vitamin C. Fresh greens like broccli, and spinich contain vitamin B-9; it is also found in fruits and starchy veggies, whole grains, and beans
J. Kearney- Vitamin D also known as Cholecalcifero plays an enormous role in the development of bone growth, Vitamins D is used to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the body to create this bone. In a section from a website it states that Vitamin D can be found in different sources: “Great sources of this supplement include fortified milk, oily fish, liver, and eggs.”( There are many benefits that Vitamin D can give to the body by helping prevent substance abusers, nutritional intake, and extended stress. Vitamin D can also help people that do not receive enough sunshine by giving them the needed nutrients, vegetarians that don’t receive enough Vitamin D, and patients that suffer from cystic fibrosis patients. Vitamin D can be found in many different sources, in a section from a website of health listed them: cod-liver oil, egg substitutes, halibut-liver oil, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, sunlight, tuna, and Vitamin-D-fortified milk. ( There are many different ways that Vitamin D can be taken or used, but the best way that it can be obtained is through its liquid state. Tablets for Vitamin D can also be taken to help get the needed amount. When taking Vitamin D you should be cautious and consult your doctor and from a statement from a health website it pronounced that:“Consult your doctor if you have:have planned pregnancy while taking vitamin D, epilepsy, heart or blood-vessel disease, kidney, liver or pancreatic disease, chronic diarrhea, intestinal problems, sarcoidosis and if you are over 55:higher potential for adverse reactions and side effects.”( are some symptoms of deficiency that could occur would be weakness in the muscles, bone pain tenderness, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer and in children rickets.( There are many different signs of an overdose of Vitamin D, in a segment of a health cite described these signs:“high blood pressure, Irregular heartbeat, nausea, weight loss, seizures, abdominal pain, appetite loss, mental-and physical-growth retardation, premature hardening of arteriesKidney damage.” ( are many different side effects that are caused by Vitamin D but these are found to be the most important:The loss of appetite, dry mouth, nausea or vomiting, increased thirst, mental confusion, and headaches. If any of these systems should occur discuss with your doctor straight away.Vitamin D has different sorts of interactions such as:“Anticonvulsants: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Barbiturates: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Calcitonin: Calcitonin effect reduced when treating hypercalcemia.Calcium (high doses): Risk of hypercalcemia increased. Cholestyramine: Vitamin absorption reduced.Colestipol: Vitamin absorption reduced.Cortisone: Vitamin absorption reduced.Digitalis preparations: Heartbeat irregularities increased.Diuretics, thiazide: Hypercalcemia risk increased.Hydration: Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Mineral oil: Absorption of vitamin D increased.Phosphorus- containing medicines: Risk increased of too much phosphorus in blood.Primidone : Vitamin efficacy may be reduced.Vitamin-D derivatives: Increased potential for toxicity due to additive effects.Alcohol: Depletes storage of vitamin D in liver”( are very important interactions that Vitamin D can cause and should be taken seriously and looked into every few months
Z. Whitcomb- For the first project I had to research vitamin H and what it dose for the body. Vitamin H is received from certain intestinal bacteria, Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. This particular Vitamin is used for boosting metabolism. protects amino acids and set up for the building of protein. this particular virtaman is used for cell growth
My Projects
October 23rd.
Juicing Recipe
MOG Juice
-One Mango (for taste mainly)
-One or two Oranges
-One ruby red Grapefruit
The oranges contain folic acid, calcium, iron and many other vitamins and minerals. Used for scurvy, skin problems, constipation and a myriad of other health problems. I personally find the citric acid in orange helps break down fats, which is beneficial for people suffering from Gall Bladder Disease. The grapefruit contains similar vitamins and minerals to the orange and is used for similar purpose including the gums and treats bruises as well. I also find the grapefruit juice is excellent for breaking down fats. Mangos have plenty of Vitamin A and are used to cleanse the body and treat body odors.
MOG Juice is a beneficial juice, with an awesome name.
October 3rd,
What’s in the Vegetable Group?
Anything that is a vegetable or one hundred percent vegetable juice counts a member of the vegetable group. It does not matter how the vegetable is prepared, it can be chopped, cooked, mashed, or anything else as long as it is one hundred percent vegetable. There are five groups of vegetables, dark green, orange, dry beans and peas, starchy, and other vegetables.
How Many Vegetables do you need?
The amount of vegetables that you should eat depends on your height, weight, sex, and how much physical activity that you do.
What Counts as a Cup of Vegetables?
One cup of raw, cooked, or juiced vegetables or two cups of leafy greens counts a cup from the vegetable group.
Why is it Important to eat vegetables?
Vegetables contain many of the vitamins and minerals we need to function. Vegetables can help prevent many cancers, like stomach, mouth and colon cancer and also prevent cardivascular disease and other health problems, including diabetes.
Vegetables contain potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C and E and Folates. The Potassium helps maintain blood pressure, while fiber keeps the digestive system regular and is good for the heart. Vitamin A is good for the eyes and skin, while vitamin C is good for the immune system and many other things. Vitamin E protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids and Folates are beneficial to women who are trying to become pregnant and women who are pregnant. Plenty of folate during a pregnancy is vital to the fetus, because it prevents spina bifida, anencephaly and nueral tube defects.
It is very important to eat vegetables to stay healthy.
Buying fresh vegetables in season costs less and are more likely to taste better sine they are in their peak of flavor. Keeping frozen vegetables in the freezer allow for an easy meal by placing them in the microwave and heating them up. Add vegetables to you dinner to make the meal seem more interesting. To make vegetables more appealing add dip or any kind of sauce to your vegetable. Also, always wash your vegetables off before eating.
September 24th,
Fruits- Watermelon
Watermelon is most commonly eaten in summertime, but can be a healthy snack all year round. Watermelon had more lycopene than any other fruit. Lycopene is an antioxidant which is beneficial for the heart and healthy cell growth. Watermelon also contains, vitamin C (read my project on that particular nutrient), vitamin A, vitamin B6 and potassium. Vitamin A is for healthy eyes, Vitamin B6 manufactures melatonin, serotonin and and dopamine which can help ease anxiety and panic and the potassium regulates water levels.
When picking a watermelon be sure it is symetrical, and undamaged. It should be heavy (it is 92% water) and have a yellow spot from where is sat in the sun. Before cutting your melon please wash it to remove dirt, pesticides and other unpleasant things clinging to the rind. Keep cut watermelon refrigerated and it can be eaten within 3 to 4 days.
September 13th,
Eat these amounts from each food group daily. This plan is a 1800 calorie food pattern. It is based on average needs for someone like you. (A 18 year old female, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 151 pounds, physically active less than 30 minutes a day.) Your food needs also depend on your rate of growth and other factors. See a health care provider who can track your height and weight over time to identify your specific needs.
document.write(':: DEBUG :: BMI='+BMI);
tipsClick the food groups above to learn more.
1 Make Half Your Grains Whole
Aim for at least
3 ounces of whole grains a day
2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:Dark Green Vegetables =
cups weeklyOrange Vegetables =
cups weeklyDry Beans & Peas =
cups weeklyStarchy Vegetables =
cups weeklyOther Vegetables =
6 1/2
cups weekly
Oils & Discretionary Calories
Aim for
5 teaspoons of oils a dayLimit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to
September 10th,
The Wonder of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is perhaps one of the most well-known vitamins in our diets. When you visit the super market you will find many products with "a full serving of vitamin C". People use Vitamin C tablets.
Vitamin C is required for a healthy immune system, and can help prevent cancer, colds, cataracts, heart disease and aid in the healing of wounds. Vitamin C is also required in the synthesis of collagen in connective tissues.
The ascorbic acid in Vitamin C is needed for healthy cell development, healthy gum tissues and is excellent for clearing up infection and preventing cholesterol problems.
So Vitamin C is a useful and much need nutrient. What happens if the body is Vitamin C deficient?
When devoid of Vitamin C, the gums will bleed, the body is weaker and bruises more easily. You can develop scurvy, the scourge of malnourished sailors. However Scurvy is easily treated with does of Vitamin C.
The best dosages tend to be 60 mg per day or 200-300 mg in recent studies. While for pregnant and nursing women it is 75-95 mg.
You can however overdose on this vitamin. The symptoms include gastrointestinal complaints, such a diarrhea.
Now, if you do not wish to get your vitamin C, in pill form, there are many foods which contain it. Most if not all fruit contain Vitamin C while leafy green vegetables (such as Spinach) contain it as well. When taking the vitamin in pill form do not mix it with aspirin as it could cause stomach pain. Antidepressants and birth control pills can also react with it. It is best to get your vitamin see in the form of fruit or vegetable and snacks fortified with vitamin c (think of those delicious gummy snacks at the grocery store, they're loaded with a full daily value!)
Juicing Recipe
MOG Juice
-One Mango (for taste mainly)
-One or two Oranges
-One ruby red Grapefruit
The oranges contain folic acid, calcium, iron and many other vitamins and minerals. Used for scurvy, skin problems, constipation and a myriad of other health problems. I personally find the citric acid in orange helps break down fats, which is beneficial for people suffering from Gall Bladder Disease. The grapefruit contains similar vitamins and minerals to the orange and is used for similar purpose including the gums and treats bruises as well. I also find the grapefruit juice is excellent for breaking down fats. Mangos have plenty of Vitamin A and are used to cleanse the body and treat body odors.
MOG Juice is a beneficial juice, with an awesome name.
October 3rd,
What’s in the Vegetable Group?
Anything that is a vegetable or one hundred percent vegetable juice counts a member of the vegetable group. It does not matter how the vegetable is prepared, it can be chopped, cooked, mashed, or anything else as long as it is one hundred percent vegetable. There are five groups of vegetables, dark green, orange, dry beans and peas, starchy, and other vegetables.
How Many Vegetables do you need?
The amount of vegetables that you should eat depends on your height, weight, sex, and how much physical activity that you do.
What Counts as a Cup of Vegetables?
One cup of raw, cooked, or juiced vegetables or two cups of leafy greens counts a cup from the vegetable group.
Why is it Important to eat vegetables?
Vegetables contain many of the vitamins and minerals we need to function. Vegetables can help prevent many cancers, like stomach, mouth and colon cancer and also prevent cardivascular disease and other health problems, including diabetes.
Vegetables contain potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C and E and Folates. The Potassium helps maintain blood pressure, while fiber keeps the digestive system regular and is good for the heart. Vitamin A is good for the eyes and skin, while vitamin C is good for the immune system and many other things. Vitamin E protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids and Folates are beneficial to women who are trying to become pregnant and women who are pregnant. Plenty of folate during a pregnancy is vital to the fetus, because it prevents spina bifida, anencephaly and nueral tube defects.
It is very important to eat vegetables to stay healthy.
Buying fresh vegetables in season costs less and are more likely to taste better sine they are in their peak of flavor. Keeping frozen vegetables in the freezer allow for an easy meal by placing them in the microwave and heating them up. Add vegetables to you dinner to make the meal seem more interesting. To make vegetables more appealing add dip or any kind of sauce to your vegetable. Also, always wash your vegetables off before eating.
September 24th,
Fruits- Watermelon
Watermelon is most commonly eaten in summertime, but can be a healthy snack all year round. Watermelon had more lycopene than any other fruit. Lycopene is an antioxidant which is beneficial for the heart and healthy cell growth. Watermelon also contains, vitamin C (read my project on that particular nutrient), vitamin A, vitamin B6 and potassium. Vitamin A is for healthy eyes, Vitamin B6 manufactures melatonin, serotonin and and dopamine which can help ease anxiety and panic and the potassium regulates water levels.
When picking a watermelon be sure it is symetrical, and undamaged. It should be heavy (it is 92% water) and have a yellow spot from where is sat in the sun. Before cutting your melon please wash it to remove dirt, pesticides and other unpleasant things clinging to the rind. Keep cut watermelon refrigerated and it can be eaten within 3 to 4 days.
September 13th,
Eat these amounts from each food group daily. This plan is a 1800 calorie food pattern. It is based on average needs for someone like you. (A 18 year old female, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 151 pounds, physically active less than 30 minutes a day.) Your food needs also depend on your rate of growth and other factors. See a health care provider who can track your height and weight over time to identify your specific needs.
document.write(':: DEBUG :: BMI='+BMI);
tipsClick the food groups above to learn more.
1 Make Half Your Grains Whole
Aim for at least
3 ounces of whole grains a day
2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:Dark Green Vegetables =
cups weeklyOrange Vegetables =
cups weeklyDry Beans & Peas =
cups weeklyStarchy Vegetables =
cups weeklyOther Vegetables =
6 1/2
cups weekly
Oils & Discretionary Calories
Aim for
5 teaspoons of oils a dayLimit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to
September 10th,
The Wonder of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is perhaps one of the most well-known vitamins in our diets. When you visit the super market you will find many products with "a full serving of vitamin C". People use Vitamin C tablets.
Vitamin C is required for a healthy immune system, and can help prevent cancer, colds, cataracts, heart disease and aid in the healing of wounds. Vitamin C is also required in the synthesis of collagen in connective tissues.
The ascorbic acid in Vitamin C is needed for healthy cell development, healthy gum tissues and is excellent for clearing up infection and preventing cholesterol problems.
So Vitamin C is a useful and much need nutrient. What happens if the body is Vitamin C deficient?
When devoid of Vitamin C, the gums will bleed, the body is weaker and bruises more easily. You can develop scurvy, the scourge of malnourished sailors. However Scurvy is easily treated with does of Vitamin C.
The best dosages tend to be 60 mg per day or 200-300 mg in recent studies. While for pregnant and nursing women it is 75-95 mg.
You can however overdose on this vitamin. The symptoms include gastrointestinal complaints, such a diarrhea.
Now, if you do not wish to get your vitamin C, in pill form, there are many foods which contain it. Most if not all fruit contain Vitamin C while leafy green vegetables (such as Spinach) contain it as well. When taking the vitamin in pill form do not mix it with aspirin as it could cause stomach pain. Antidepressants and birth control pills can also react with it. It is best to get your vitamin see in the form of fruit or vegetable and snacks fortified with vitamin c (think of those delicious gummy snacks at the grocery store, they're loaded with a full daily value!)
Reflective Writing
October 26th
TOday we had a sub and she made us watch a video about 'Choices'. It was out of date and boring. The comedian who was in it was so annoying and he resemble Joey Budafucco from the Amy Fischer trial (it must have been the mullet). I fell asleep and for the rest of class we did absolutely nothing because she was not a very good sub.
October 24th,
Yesterday I came in late and heard half of James presentation on nicotine withdrawal. Afterwards Josh presented is assignment on why you should quit smoking. There were lengthy discussions about smoking.
October 10th,
TOday Josh Randall presented his juice recipe. It was a recipe designed to improve brain function. Afterwards we discussed testicular cancer. We discussed how people get it, how risky it is and how to look for it. I don't think I have to worry about it though except when it comes to my male relatives and my boyfriend.
October 8th,
TOday we went to the computer lab to work on our tobacco assignments. My assignment was about nicotine. I wrote it up and did some additional research, then worked on some back work.
October 4th,
Ricky from Planned Parenthood, returned today to discuss contraception with us. We learned about two types of birth control, hormonal and non-hormonal. Ricky brought examples with him, which were passed around for us to inspect. I found the many methods of birth control interesting.
We learned about the birth control pill, patch and ring, IUDs, and Depo-Provera. When it came to non-hormonal birth control, we learned about non horomonal IUDs, condoms (male and female), diaphragms, cervical caps, spermicide, and the birth control sponge.
It was very informative and Ricky's presentation style was once again excellent, because he added some comic relief to an otherwise serious topic and answered question honestly.
October 2nd,
Ricky from Planned Parenthood came in and discussed STIs (sexually transmitted infections) We learned about the seven most common ones- Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS. Genital Herpes, Genital Warts and Pubic Lice (crabs). I knew a lot of this information already, but I did have some questions regarded Genital Herpes and Genital Warts, which were answered with comforting and satisfactory results. Ricky was honest and straightforward and didn't beat around the bush when it came to the information. He was also non-judgmental during his presentation (i.e.- no lectures about the sins of premarital sex) which was important to me and probably others present.
All in all it was a good presentation and the fact that we were provided with chocolate was a plus.
September 26th,
Today Mr. Cahoun showed us how to use the juicer. We made apple juice, that tasted better than store bought apple juice. I tried the foam and pulp and that was not bad either.
Afterwards, I re-presented my Vitamin C project and Beth C. re-presented hers. Beth's was about Vitamin B3 (Niacin). It is found it liver and white chicken meat. When you are defiecent in B3, you can get pallagra which is a vitamin defiency disease. It cause lesions on the skin and is very gross.
September 20th 2007,
Mr. Carter visited today to discuss organ donation. I learned that you can't donate under a cardiac death amd that you can donate while brain-dead. It was interesting and very emotional at times, because he discussed the death of his daughter. He also discussed seat belt safety.
Because of this lecture, I wish to become an organ donor.
September 13th 2007,
Today I was assigned my group for the Food Pyramid project. Group 2, Vegetables. Not very exciting. We discussed nutrition and calorie intake depending on wieght, age, activity etc.
September 11th 2007,
Today we presented our vitamin projects. I went first. We took notes on other people's Vitamins. And yes, I did fall asleep. I have a sleeping disorder and can't help it.
September 7th 2007,
Today, we did a health survey and I find myself lacking in the Nutrition and Excercise department. Must attend to that. Afterwards, we watched some videos on different types of juicing machines, and I found them amusing to say the least.
TOday we had a sub and she made us watch a video about 'Choices'. It was out of date and boring. The comedian who was in it was so annoying and he resemble Joey Budafucco from the Amy Fischer trial (it must have been the mullet). I fell asleep and for the rest of class we did absolutely nothing because she was not a very good sub.
October 24th,
Yesterday I came in late and heard half of James presentation on nicotine withdrawal. Afterwards Josh presented is assignment on why you should quit smoking. There were lengthy discussions about smoking.
October 10th,
TOday Josh Randall presented his juice recipe. It was a recipe designed to improve brain function. Afterwards we discussed testicular cancer. We discussed how people get it, how risky it is and how to look for it. I don't think I have to worry about it though except when it comes to my male relatives and my boyfriend.
October 8th,
TOday we went to the computer lab to work on our tobacco assignments. My assignment was about nicotine. I wrote it up and did some additional research, then worked on some back work.
October 4th,
Ricky from Planned Parenthood, returned today to discuss contraception with us. We learned about two types of birth control, hormonal and non-hormonal. Ricky brought examples with him, which were passed around for us to inspect. I found the many methods of birth control interesting.
We learned about the birth control pill, patch and ring, IUDs, and Depo-Provera. When it came to non-hormonal birth control, we learned about non horomonal IUDs, condoms (male and female), diaphragms, cervical caps, spermicide, and the birth control sponge.
It was very informative and Ricky's presentation style was once again excellent, because he added some comic relief to an otherwise serious topic and answered question honestly.
October 2nd,
Ricky from Planned Parenthood came in and discussed STIs (sexually transmitted infections) We learned about the seven most common ones- Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS. Genital Herpes, Genital Warts and Pubic Lice (crabs). I knew a lot of this information already, but I did have some questions regarded Genital Herpes and Genital Warts, which were answered with comforting and satisfactory results. Ricky was honest and straightforward and didn't beat around the bush when it came to the information. He was also non-judgmental during his presentation (i.e.- no lectures about the sins of premarital sex) which was important to me and probably others present.
All in all it was a good presentation and the fact that we were provided with chocolate was a plus.
September 26th,
Today Mr. Cahoun showed us how to use the juicer. We made apple juice, that tasted better than store bought apple juice. I tried the foam and pulp and that was not bad either.
Afterwards, I re-presented my Vitamin C project and Beth C. re-presented hers. Beth's was about Vitamin B3 (Niacin). It is found it liver and white chicken meat. When you are defiecent in B3, you can get pallagra which is a vitamin defiency disease. It cause lesions on the skin and is very gross.
September 20th 2007,
Mr. Carter visited today to discuss organ donation. I learned that you can't donate under a cardiac death amd that you can donate while brain-dead. It was interesting and very emotional at times, because he discussed the death of his daughter. He also discussed seat belt safety.
Because of this lecture, I wish to become an organ donor.
September 13th 2007,
Today I was assigned my group for the Food Pyramid project. Group 2, Vegetables. Not very exciting. We discussed nutrition and calorie intake depending on wieght, age, activity etc.
September 11th 2007,
Today we presented our vitamin projects. I went first. We took notes on other people's Vitamins. And yes, I did fall asleep. I have a sleeping disorder and can't help it.
September 7th 2007,
Today, we did a health survey and I find myself lacking in the Nutrition and Excercise department. Must attend to that. Afterwards, we watched some videos on different types of juicing machines, and I found them amusing to say the least.
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